One of the most exciting and potentially beneficial areas of brain research exists at the interface between neuroscience and the physical sciences of engineering, information technology, and robotics. Here biological and physical science converge in a new creative alliance that aims to exploit similarities and differences between the ways brains and computers work. The potential benefits of this research are as diverse as they are important. They include the possibility of creating brain-machine hybrids that will restore the brain’s sensory and motor functions damaged by disease or accident. These devices may also expand the capabilities of the normal brain, making the bionic man of science fiction a reality. In addition, the synergy between neuroscience and computer science is capable of delivering a new generation of artificially intelligent agents, autonomous mobile robots, for example, to perform jobs we would prefer not to do ourselves.
exciting (adj) | : heyecan verici |
beneficial (adj) | : yararlı |
brain (n) | : beyin |
exist (v) | : var olmak, bulunmak |
converge (v) | : birleşmek |
creative (adj) | : yaratıcı |
alliance (n) | : ittifak, işbirliği |
aim (v) | : amaçlamak |
exploit (v) | : kullanmak |
similarity (n) | : benzerlik |
diverse (adj) | : çeşitli |
include (v) | : içermek, kapsamak |
damage (v) | : hasar vermek, zarar görmek |
capable (adj) | : beceriye sahip, muktedir |
artificially (adv) | : suni(şekilde) |
1) Which of the following words is the synonym of the underlined word in the passage?
A) manipulate
B) abuse
C) misuse
D) ill-treat
E) utilize
2) It is clearly stated in the passage that brain-machine hybrids ----.
A) will be used only in cases where the patient’s sensory and motor functions are damaged by disease or accident
B) are just one of the possibilities that can be produced by the collaboration between biological and physical science
C) are far from being key to the creation of the bionic man
D) will be the ultimate destination of the interface between neuroscience and information technology
E) will have more similarities with than differences from human brain
3) It can be inferred from the passage that the synergy between neuroscience and computer science ----.
A) is on the verge of completing the full control of the workings of the brain
B) is a new generation approach in the field of information technology
C) will have more medical benefits than scientific benefits
D) may lead to the creation of devices that will do the unwanted tasks for humans
E) may be useful for designing better computers to be used by bionic men
1) E
2) B
3) D
One of the most exciting and potentially beneficial areas of brain research exists at the interface between neuroscience and the physical sciences of engineering, information technology, and robotics.
Beyin araştırmalarının en heyecan verici ve potansiyel olarak yararlı alanlarından birisi, nörobilim ile fiziksel mühendislik bilimleri, bilgi teknolojisi ve robotik arasında bir ara noktada bulunmaktadır.
Here biological and physical science converge in a new creative alliance that aims to exploit similarities and differences between the ways brains and computers work.
Burada biyolojik ve fiziksel bilim, beynin ve bilgisayarların çalışma şekli arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları kullanmayı amaçlayan yeni ve yaratıcı bir işbirliğinde birleşmektedir.
The potential benefits of this research are as diverse as they are important.
Bu araştırmaların potansiyel yararları önemli olduğu kadar çeşitlidir.
They include the possibility of creating brain-machine hybrids that will restore the brain’s sensory and motor functions damaged by disease or accident.
Bu araştırmalar hastalık ya da kazayla hasar gören beynin duyusal ve motor fonksiyonlarını onaracak beyin-makine hibridleri yaratma olasılığını da içine almaktadır.
These devices may also expand the capabilities of the normal brain, making the bionic man of science fiction a reality.
Bu aygıtlar bilim kurgulardaki biyonik insanı gerçeğe dönüştürerek normal beynin kabiliyetlerini de artırabilecektir.
In addition, the synergy between neuroscience and computer science is capable of delivering a new generation of artificially intelligent agents, autonomous mobile robots, for example, to perform jobs we would prefer not to do ourselves.
Üstelik nörobilim ve bilgisayar bilimi arasındaki sinerji, kendimiz yapmamayı tercih ettiğimiz işleri yapmak için otonom mobil robotlar gibi yeni bir yapay zeka araçları nesli yaratma becerisine de sahiptir.
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