Every few years, decisions on how European funds for agriculture will be distributed to farmers are made, and they have massive implications for much of England’s wildlife. The way we farm has huge impacts on our birds, bees and butterflies. Currently, roughly 70 percent of England is farmed, and of that, about 70 percent is under some kind of program whereby the land manager receives a payment for conserving wildlife – so-called agri-environment (AE) schemes. But birds and insects are disappearing at a disturbing rate – since 1970, the number of birds on our farms has been decreasing. It was hoped that the launch of AE schemes would reverse these losses in ten years. In fact, all that has been achieved is that the decline is occurring more slowly. Some conservationists say that among the schemes available to farmers, the ‘Entry Level’ scheme that most farmers sign up to is not sufficiently targeted. Farmers choose the easy options, and few gains are made. However, it can be much better if a range of measures that benefit a species over its life cycle are used.
decision (n) | : karar |
agriculture (n) | : tarım |
distribute (v) | : dağıtmak |
massive (adj) | : büyük, devasa |
wildlife (n) | : yaban hayatı |
impact (n) | : etki |
bee (n) | : arı |
butterfly (n) | : kelebek |
currently (adv) | : şimdi, bugünlerde |
receive (v) | : almak |
conserve (v) | : korumak, muhafaza etmek |
so-called (adj) | : sözde, sözümona |
scheme (n) | : program |
insect (n) | : böcek |
launch (n) | : uygulamaya koyma, hayat geçirme |
target (v) | : hedeflemek |
achieve (v) | : elde etmek, başarmak |
gain (n) | : kazanım |
a range of (adj) | : bir dizi |
species (n) | : tür |
life cycle (n) | : yaşam döngüsü |
1) According to the passage, the current situation of AE schemes indicates that ----.
A) the harmful effects of farming on wildlife have been handled effectively
B) the losses in wildlife have been compensated for over the last ten years
C) farmers should be paid more to conserve wildlife on their lands
D) they should be redesigned because there has still been a decrease in the number of some species
E) they have been successful in their attempts to make governments take important actions to conserve wildlife
2) It can be understood from the passage that conservationists ----.
A) want the government to initiate schemes that protect species all through their lives
B) are in search of easier options that can be provided to the farmers
C) are trying to design a scheme to which most farmers can sign up
D) would like to see more farmers choosing the ‘Entry Level’ scheme
E) need considerable government support to help farmers protect the environment
3) The primary purpose of the author is to ----.
A) draw attention to the low number of AE schemes available to farmers
B) emphasize the importance of AE schemes to protect wildlife successfully
C) show that decisions on the distribution of European funds should be made by conservationists not the governments
D) give information about the 'Entry Level' scheme, which is the most effective AE scheme
E) reveal that farmers in England cannot receive adequate support from the government to conserve wildlife
1) D
2) A
3) B
Every few years, decisions on how European funds for agriculture will be distributed to farmers are made, and they have massive implications for much of England’s wildlife.
Her birkaç yılda bir, tarım için Avrupa fonlarının çiftçilere nasıl davranılacağı konusunda kararlar alınır, ve bu kararlar İngilterenin yaban hayatı üzerinde çok büyük sonuçlara sahiptir.
The way we farm has huge impacts on our birds, bees and butterflies.
Çiftçilik yapma tarzımız kuşlarımız, arılarımız ve kelebeklerimiz üzerinde büyük etkilere sahiptir.
Currently, roughly 70 percent of England is farmed, and of that, about 70 percent is under some kind of program whereby the land manager receives a payment for conserving wildlife – so-called agri-environment (AE) schemes.
Günümüzde İngilterenin kabaca yüzde 70 i ekilip biçilmektedir ve bunun yaklaşık yüzde 70i arazi yöneticisinin yaban hayatını korumak için ödeme aldığı, sözde tarım-çevre programları (AE) isimli bir tür programların yönetimindedir.
But birds and insects are disappearing at a disturbing rate – since 1970, the number of birds on our farms has been decreasing.
Ancak kuşlar ve böcekler rahatsız edici bir düzeyde yok olmaktadır, 1970 den beri çiftliklerimizdeki kuşların sayısı azalıyor.
It was hoped that the launch of AE schemes would reverse these losses in ten years.
AE programlarının hayat geçirilmesinin on yıl içinde bu kayıpları tersine döndüreceği umulmaktadır.
In fact, all that has been achieved is that the decline is occurring more slowly.
Gerçekten de elde edilen şey azalmanın daha yavaş hale gelmesidir.
Some conservationists say that among the schemes available to farmers, the ‘Entry Level’ scheme that most farmers sign up to is not sufficiently targeted.
Bazı koruma uzmanları, çiftçilere ulaşan programlar arasında çoğu çiftçinin başvurduğu-giriş düzey programı-yeterli düzeyde hedefleme yapamamıştır.
Farmers choose the easy options, and few gains are made.
Çiftçiler kolay seçenekleri tercih etmekte ve çok az kazanım elde edilmektedir.
However, it can be much better if a range of measures that benefit a species over its life cycle are used.
Ancak, yaşam döngüsü boyunca bir türe yarar sağlayacak bir dizi tedbir alınırsa çok daha iyi olabilir.
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