For spectators who followed new developments in cinema, the second half of the 1950s became years of increasing excitement and anticipation. Not until the late 1920s, when films by Pudovkin, Dovzhenko and others began to arrive from the Soviet Union, had there been such a sense of renewal in the medium. Filmgoers in the US also began to participate in the international art cinema movement; though American audiences had previously been given few opportunities to see foreign films in the country’s Hollywood-dominated theatres, the breakup of the studio system and declines in Hollywood production during the 1950s led a number of theatres in cities to become art houses playing new and classical work from overseas. Viewing the films of Bergman, Fellini and others, a growing number of Americans learned to regard cinema as a serious form of art.
spectator (n) | : izleyici |
development (n) | : gelişme |
increase (v) | : artmak |
anticipation (n) | : beklenti |
arrive (v) | : varmak, gelmek |
sense (n) | : duygu |
renewal (n) | : yenilenme |
participate (v) | : katılma |
audience (n) | : dinleyici, izleyici |
movement (n) | : hareket |
opportunity (n) | : fırsat |
foreign (adj) | : yabancı |
dominated (adj) | : baskın, ağırlıklı |
breakup (n) | : ortaya çıkış |
decline (v) | : azalmak |
lead (v) | : yol açmak, sebep olmak |
overseas (Noun) | : denizaşırı, başka ülkeler |
grow (v) | : artmak, büyümek |
regard (v) | : kabul etmek, görmek |
serious (adj) | : ciddi |
1) Before the films of Bergman, Fellini and others, American people ----.
A) had nothing to do with international art cinema movement
B) were not interested in films produced in the 1920s
C) did not enjoy watching films in art houses
D) were already producing their own films that attracted attention overseas
E) did not view cinema as an important art form
2) According to the passage, it was once a rare practice in the US that ----.
A) filmgoers watched films in art houses
B) Hollywood-dominated theatres played films from their own country
C) Hollywood exported its films to other countries
D) people watched foreign films in Hollywood- dominated theatres
E) films from the Soviet Union were played in art houses
3) According to the passage, in the US during the 1950s, ----.
A) many city theatres were transformed into art houses that also played films from overseas
B) fewer people began to follow the developments in cinema
C) the films that were shown came mainly from the Soviet Union
D) the international art cinema movement began to decline
E) there were far more foreign films than Hollywood films at the Hollywood-dominated theatres
1) E
2) D
3) A
For spectators who followed new developments in cinema, the second half of the 1950s became years of increasing excitement and anticipation.
Sinemadaki gelişmeleri takip eden izleyiciler için, 1950'lerin ikinci yarısı giderek artan heyecan ve beklenti yılları haline geldi.
Not until the late 1920s, when films by Pudovkin, Dovzhenko and others began to arrive from the Soviet Union, had there been such a sense of renewal in the medium.
Pudovkin Dovzhenko ve diğerlerinin Sovyetler Birliği'ne gelmeye başladığı yıllar olan 1920 lerin sonlarına kadar böylesine bir yenilenme duygusu yoktu.
Filmgoers in the US also began to participate in the international art cinema movement; though American audiences had previously been given few opportunities to see foreign films in the country’s Hollywood-dominated theatres, the breakup of the studio system and declines in Hollywood production during the 1950s led a number of theatres in cities to become art houses playing new and classical work from overseas.
Amerikadaki izleyiciler de bu uluslararası sanat sinema hareketine katılmaya başladılar, her ne kadar Amerikalı izleyicilere daha önceden Holywood ağırlıkı tiyatrolarda yabancı filmler izleme fırsatı verilmiş olsa da , stüdyo sisteminin ortaya çıkışı ve 1950lerde Holywood yapımlarındaki azalmaşlar şehirlerdeki tiyatroların başka ülkelerden yeni ve klasik eserleri sergileyen sanat evleri haline gelmesine yol açtı.
Viewing the films of Bergman, Fellini and others, a growing number of Americans learned to regard cinema as a serious form of art.
Bergman, Fellini ve diğerlerinin filmlerini izleyen çok sayıda Amerikalı sinemayı ciddi bir sanat formu olarak görmeyi öğrendi.
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